I haven't been knitting anything for about a week now. I just can't seem to do it. I do have a few WIPs, but I'm not really interested in them at the moment. I have so many things I WANT to knit, that it seems to be stifling my ability to actually knit anything.
I REALLY want to knit a pair of socks. But I'm reluctant because of sizing issues with my big clod-hoppers.
I NEED to knit F some soakers and shorties. But I have to swatch and do some calculations first, so that's putting me off.
I did think I'd knit some Christmas gifts. Bought the yarn and everything. But the pattern was boring me to tears, and the yarn was not very nice to knit with. So I ripped it.
I have picked up my Sassymetrical a few times, but again, it's not exciting me as the pattern is quite boring, so I get a few rows done and then I lose interest.
I did finish these a few weeks ago.
Pattern is Baby Monkey Socks, and I love it. They were a lot of fun to knit. Of course each time I put them on F she promptly rips them off and tries to eat them.
Maybe I've got knitting burn-out LOL Could be also that we had a joint birthday party for the boys last weekend with 19 kids here and a magic show, which was quite stressful. Well, the lead-up was quite stressful. The party was lots of fun.
Here they are with their cakes.
I made them. L's was supposed to be a dragon, and does look exactly as the picture in the book looks, apart from dragon spikes. Which I think actually MAKE it the dragon, so not sure what it does look like without them. But he liked it and was happy with it so that's the main thing. I think it's pretty obvious what M's is supposed to be LOL He's not actually 3 yet - that will happen next week, but I wasn't throwing two parties so he got to celebrate early. And it took the sting out of L receiving gifts from us, while he got nothing LOL Well, not nothing - he got gifts on the day from friends, but he'll have to wait til next week for gifts from us.
Then we can start thinking about Christmas.
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