Friday, March 12, 2010

They're multiplying

The hex's have taken over.

I've got the pattern worked out now and I don't need to read the instructions anymore.

It's so much fun choosing what colours to use each time! I've also added in another colour. I had a skein of a denim blue here which I wasn't planning on using, but after doing a few I thought the light blue needed a darker friend, so I did a few last night and I think it looks good. So that's 9 colours in total!

And I know that look like circles not hex's at the moment... but that's just because I'm still trying to decide which colour to use for the last round of each. I want to use only one colour for this part of the rug. At first I was thinking the light pink would do, mostly because I have two skeins of that one! But now I'm wondering whether a stronger colour might look better. I'm leaning towards the Fushcia. If anyone has any thoughts on this (the colours are all shown in my last post) feel free to give me some advice!

And something else I recently finished...

More DIY wall "art". Just some inexpensive canvas and fabric from Spotlight. The curtains in our bedroom are almost the exact blue on this fabric so I was extremely happy to find it in different colours! It's exactly what I wanted. And what I love about this most is that if we change the bedroom decor or I decide I don't like them anymore, I can just change the fabric!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love those canvasses! They look great.

Rachael said...

Oooh excellent wall art! How did you do it, been meaning to do a bedhead!

Lou's Mum said...

Rach... cheap canvas frames, fabric and a staple gun! you just staple one end on the back and then stretch and fold the rest of the fabric around the canvas to keep it on. easy! the corners can be a bit fiddly, but I just kind of fold them into themselves so they look neat and then staple. I've made a bedhead the same way before also, I just put in some batting between the MDF and the fabric to make it a bit softer and give it a slightly padded look.

Tracy said...

I like the fushia

Sam said...

I think a stronger colour too - the fuchsia or purple would be lovely.

lucretia said...

Damn, now I want to make a hex blanket and some wall canvases! They look great.

I'm awful at colour choice so ignore me, but I think maybe the fuschia. I bet if you did a couple you'd quickly tell.

Lis said...

ooh nice!

Lou's Mum said...

Thanks for all the input!

Someone has suggested navy (I was thinking black for a while) but I'm not sure...

I do love both the purple and the fuschia, so I might just do a few up in those to get an idea and see how I feel. I'd really love the colours to pop though, so leaning towards a darker colour altogether.